The album RETOUR is based on 4-track tape recordings that Max Würden originally made in the 90s. Luckily, he kept these analog treasures hidden behind his studio sofa for all those years – to unearth them now, brush the dust off and rework them with modern means, making them sound like they were only 3 weeks old. The result is an album as if made from one piece that knows how to satisfy the aspiration and wit requested by this kind of music – and how to function as pure, immersive ambient listening experience.
RETOUR is the second release in the EXPONATE CD series curated by WOLFGANG VOIGT / KOMPAKT RECORDS
released November 6, 2015

(c) 2015 Kompakt Records / Exponate
Music produced and mixed by Max Würden
Mastering by Jörg Burger
Image editing inlaycard by Finna Leibenguth /
Portrait photo by Sibylle Mall

All tracks composed with sounds taken from 4-track tapes recorded between 1995 and 1999.


Album von RoN Schmidt &  Max Würden
Signierte und nummerierten Auflage von 99 Stück.

Das Album beinhaltet 10 Stücke unseres gemeinsamen Schaffens der letzten 10 Jahre. Immer wieder haben wir uns in unseren Umlaufbahnen getroffen und zusammen getragen, was wir zusammentragen mussten und konnten.
Immer wieder kam dabei eine Verschmelzung von unterschiedlichen Arbeitsweisen und Klängen zustande, die wir nun nicht länger für uns behalten möchten.

A. Nitsche meint: „Eure Musik finde ich sehr dicht und in sich abgeschlossen, die Stücke scheinen sich aufeinander zu beziehen und gehen als Klanglandschaften eigene Wege jenseits aktueller Elektromusiktrends.
Mir fallen Beschreibungen ein wie: prähistorische Gitarrenspeerspitzen, Tiefseegeschnatter, Orbitalschrottklang, Sonnenwindheulen.“
Released May 23, 2013

(c)+(p) RoN Schmidt + Max Würden
grafische gestaltung: Finna Leibenguth /

>>>> listen & buy


„…percussive structures and textural forms that you have heard nowhere else.“
„…top-notch pioneering ambient.“
electronic music mall / 02/2013

„WÜRDEN ist ein meister der sogkraft….“
stadt revue köln / 02/2013

„… ein klares Statement zur Flüchtigkeit klanglichen Erlebens…“
musiksocke / 02/2013

A dream fulfilled or lost? On his new ambient album OR LOST, Max Würden explores what happens when you find the perfect moment. During its eight tracks you can join him on his quest and are invited to ask the question yourself.

He works with many diverse samples – from atmospheric field recordings (collected, among other places, in Cologne and Italy) to unusual instruments (like a parasol stand) to create moody, vast soundscapes and complex rhythms alike.

Accordingly, OR LOST began with a search for the perfect samples. Würden used a contact microphone to discover the world of sounds hidden in an old hard drive and reinterpret the well-known clang of a porcelain bowl. Even though he recorded it all digitally, it was very much an analog process. As a result, OR LOST manages to sound profoundly different and strangely familiar at the same time. It’s darkly mysterious in one moment, like a deep rumble in the far distance, only to become powerfully intensive the very next.

He worked together with the author Thorsten Nesch (Rowohlt) to find the right song titles.
Released November 26, 2012

All tracks based on fieldrecordings and sessions with various instruments.
Music written and produced by max würden.

(c) max würden / headtractive production
(p) farfield records / FARCD013 /
songtitles by thorsten nesch /
graphic design by finna leibenguth /